The plinker had a little facelift to enable better rifle-analogy in handling.

After the results of last magazine test, I ordered two Black Dog Machine 26rnd magazines and one 50rnd drum. Sometimes when filling up the drum, the rounds might get stuck on the corner of the feeding tower and the actual drum. (this might also be user related, one might even ask “what manual?”) Other than this, all mags seem to work flawlessly and time will tell if issues arise when they become dirty.
But here comes problems: I was cleaning the rifle after test-firing and noticed that the barrel was a bit loose on the barrel extension. I contacted the importer who communicated with the manufacturer and told me to ship the rifle to be fixed by local gunsmith, without any expenses for me.
During test fires, I have also noticed that around 2% of the rounds fail to ignite and in most cases will ignite when re-chambered. This might have something to do with the non-milspec trigger (Nord Arms modular) that I installed to have the same trigger as in my .223 AR-15. With closer look, it seems that this issue is related to the firing pin: it appears that the firing pin does no protrude far enough from back of the bolt for sufficient transmission of the force from the hammer. This results in very light firing pin marks on the ejected shells. The firing pin is also fully “floating”, ie. there is no direct transmission of force from hammer to the casing.
According to the importer, the manufacturer acknowledges that the firing pin is too short from the back and has informed that they will ship better ones that hopefully will ignite the round every time.