Some pictures from Loimaa Cup 2015, first match (rifle).
Shot 2015-04-26, ordered by stage number.
Some pictures from Loimaa Cup 2015, first match (rifle).
Shot 2015-04-26, ordered by stage number.
Video from best of Special Squad in VaRes Cup II / 2015
Few pictures from a small SRA competition, videos will follow later.
Special Squad took part in Vindimurja 2015 IPSC Level 2 Competition held 3.-5.4.2015 in Estonia. The competition was stretched for 3 days, but for one shooter, the competition took only half a day.
The range type was familiar from Rewal 3gun, being a rock crushing /mine work site in the middle of a forest. Besides piles of boulders, sand and rock, there was a lot of mud and even a little “lake”.
The weather was quite cold (~ +5 deg C with some wind and a lot of moisture). This was no issue, as it was not the first time for us to be at the range when it is not summer, plus all the action kept us warm.
All paper targets were mini-IPSC and there were several No-Shoots to make the shooter to take the shots even more carefully. There were some swingers, one mover and also some longer range poppers (200, 130 and 80m). Stage descriptions can be read from Vindimurja 2015 EN stages.
Only negative thing that comes to mind, was that there were only two safety areas on the range and they were located over hundred meters from some stages. Thus it was not very convenient to adjust anything on the rifle, partly because they were far and partly because there was only 5 shooters in the squad, which meant very little spare time between shooting, preparing and all the filming/photographing.
This was the first time for us in Rifle Semiauto Open Division and there were a lot of mistakes when trying to decide what bipods are good for where, which magnification should I use or should I use the offset red dot and of course the optic it self is still “a new thing” after several years of shooting in the Standard Division with irons.
All the inconveniences a side, we really enjoyed the shooting and had a blast.
The video will tell the rest:
Some photos by Special Squad from Vindimurja 2015 IPSC Rifle Level2 Competition + trip.
Best of Special Squad in 10th annual Bear City Shot Storm.
Best Stage performances of Special Squad in Talvi SRA 2015
Special Squad attended an SRA competition (a Finnish discipline that is similar to IPSC 3gun, but with a little army reserve twist). Here’s some photos (videos will follow later).
I have been looking for a 15″ slim keymod freefloat(s) for my AR build(s) and I found multiple manufacturers with suitable freefloats, like BCM, Leapers, Noveske, MI, etc. but these are from not very easy to nearly impossible to acquire to Finland.
So I came across a “noveske NSR” on Thinking that maybe it is a “night shift” or “back door” model from the actual factory, maybe an airsoft rip-off, but the price was pretty good, so one was ordered.
When the float finally arrived, it seemed sturdy and pretty well finished (including the Noveske engravings). A closer look and the installation process gave away some cues for the cheaper price. Another friend of mine ordered the same float in 9 inch and said instead of nice engravings, he had some shitty laser engravings.
I have though for a while to do some sort of recap or compilation from the vast amount of un-edited shooting videos. I finally managed to get myself to do it, as I’m instructing an IPSC beginners course next weekend and these kinds of demo-videos will be a good addition to the rule-books and slideshows.
Demo 1 is about different start conditions: loaded, chamber empty and unloaded (or “Option 1 through 3”)
Demo 2 has reloads with pistol, shotgun and rifle
And the final video has different “stage challenges” and one example solution for them
Ps. I’m truly sorry about the few scenes that were apparently filmed with a potato..