Today was yet again very cold weather on the range, but no fingers got frozen as McFadden’s Lightning Grip Loader came to help!
This great little contraption enables you to fill your .22lr AR mags with gloves on and without a need to touch the rounds. Just pour proper amount (25) to the loader, shake a little and then pull the trigger! (25 times ;-P )
Plinker / .22lr : a cheap and fun way to do some training for rifle shooting, but collecting the small brass is a pain in the ass, especially on outdoor ranges, especially on winter when there is snow and all.
The manufacturer seen some of the pictures and they insisted that the non-milspec hammer/trigger was the issue causing light strikes.
If I recall correctly, the original hammer had similar light striking issues and I am pretty confident that the issue is caused by the recoil spring guide that makes contact with the hammer, so I checked the original hammer:
Original hammer wear after about total of 200 rounds (the other side does not have similar wear)
My previous assumption for failure-to-fire was, that the bolt didn’t close properly (possibly due to the overly tight extractor) and thus some of the power from the hammer was used to close the bolt and then there was not enough force to ignite the primer. Now it seems that the power from the hammer is lost somewhere else..
I previously noticed some wear on the recoil spring guide / bolt weight, but didn’t find what would have caused it or if it was there to start with, so I took a magic marker and painted it blue. Now it had new markings and some of them even pretty deep.
Marks on the bolt from charging handle (blue) and the new wear on the recoil spring guide/weight (red)
I had cleaned the rifle, done a little polishing and then of to range for test firing.
First 50 rnds (2 mags) seemed to be discharged without any problems, but then the problems started. Around 20% of the rounds failed to ignite on first try, but most ignited on second try, after being put back to magazine and re-cycled into the gun.
I collected some examples of fired casings and also some non-ignited rounds to check the firing pin markings. Then I also noticed that the first 50 rounds were not so successful and had included some bulged and deformed casings.
Some fired and deformed casings mixed with some failure to ignite rounds
The plinker had a little facelift to enable better rifle-analogy in handling.
NEA15-22 in open and closed configurations
After the results of last magazine test, I ordered two Black Dog Machine 26rnd magazines and one 50rnd drum. Sometimes when filling up the drum, the rounds might get stuck on the corner of the feeding tower and the actual drum. (this might also be user related, one might even ask “what manual?”) Other than this, all mags seem to work flawlessly and time will tell if issues arise when they become dirty.
As you might have guessed from the previous post, SS took part in IPSC Shotgun Finnish championships 2014.
We all shot in the pre-match after a hard night’s work. The weather was good and the shooting was bad but fortunately not as bad as the jokes. The pre-match seemed never ending and it took from morning to evening so towards the end and due to exhaustion, the interest in the competition was pretty close to zero .
F*ck the walk-through, let’s just shoot the damn stage so we can get out of here!
The lack of interest resulted in stupid shooting and moving plans for the CoF, shooting no-shoot and misses. As a cherry on the top, the last CoF for SS was shot with a shotgun that wasn’t even the shooters own.. a defense, the shotgun intended to use and the shotgun actually used were both Benelli Vincis, only difference being the color of the fiber optic and the choke (finnish: SUUHINEN ) used.
Special Squad (SS) is once again operating as a work force in IPSC Shotgun Finnish Championships. This time the roster consists of a few RO:s plus few patch/plate-monkeys. SS arrived early to range to meet the MD for briefing about the necessary tasks before pre-match.
Most important task was to prepare the lines to hold the clay pigeons for stage1 (Shotgun FC2014 Stages).